Tuesday, February 08, 2011


whilst waiting for the cookies to bake, jackson finally convinced mommy to let him get in the swing...he's been faithfully trying since i got it out for little zoey to use...she HATES the swing...so, why not...

and...lo AND behold...HE FELL ASLEEP...could not believe it. the boy who bounces in his bed for at least 25 minutes before falling asleep...asleep within 5 minutes of getting into the swing...unbelieveable!!!

being back in the swing must have taken him back to his baby days...when the swing was the only thing that soothed him...


Janelle said...

I don't watch TV during the day and you're getting way more accomplished than I am. Maybe it's time for me to limit my interweb usage. Blah.

Unknown said...

yeah, that's becoming a replacement for tv in those "bored" moments...good thing i get sick of the computer REALLY quickly...