Tuesday, March 18, 2008

do you kiss your grandkids with that mouth?!

i wake this morning to cackling...the whack of a golf ball...and an old woman stringing out a line of expletives you would not believe. GASP!!! cannot believe what i'm hearing...so i go look...sure enough...it's a group of older women golfing together. apparently, marge was VERY unhappy with where her shot landed...marge is one of the women near the swampy water at the top of the picture. i know cursing should not be funny, but when it's coming out of the mouth of a 75 year old woman...i'll admit it...i laughed so hard that i made lucy nervous and she started barking.


The Fox Den said...

That is so stinkin' funny!!!

Kristen said...

So I have about 40 more years to keep cussing like mad, and then I have to quit? Just checking.

Unknown said...
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Janelle said...

Nice. It's like the posse in fast-forward to our later years. I'm sure the one cursing will be Kristen. (sorry, we have a lot people in our house and i just accidentally posted as someone else... ah, communal living.)