Wednesday, September 26, 2012

and we're back in south carolina in our NEW house...

we headed back to south carolina in june to move into our NEW HOUSE!!! 
you each have your own room.  not sure if you liked being in different rooms, especially at night.  jackson, your first night in your own room was the first time you ever asked for your door to be left open.
you are LOVING the's LOTS of fun to stand upstairs in the hallway and throw things over the railing...i just hope that's the only daring thing you two discover to do on the stairway.
mommy can actually "hide" from you in this house.  if you're not watching me like a hawk, as you usually do, i can move to a different part of the house and it can take you several minutes to find me...unlike at the other house when it took just seconds.
here you are having a "picnic basket" on the living room floor.  it was a pants optional lunch...of course.

AND...big bonus...there's a playground and a POOL just down the street...LOVING our new neighborhood!!!

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