Tuesday, May 08, 2012

and then there was christmas...

we were in indiana for christmas...it was lots and lots of fun...lots of family, lots of food, lots of PRESENTS...
i don't feel like i got many good shots...you two were too busy--didn't sit still for long enough, didn't care to smile for mommy...so, lots of blurry, not great pictures...

jackson, your first remote controlled car...not the greatest remote controlled car--it only goes forwards and backwards...LAME.  but you enjoyed running it into granna and papa's furniture anyway... 

zoey, your first tutu from auntie kiki, of course.  it's too big right now...fell right to your ankles...but it won't be long until you're twirling that fluffy pink thing to its full diameter...


the concentration--it took lots to make that car go back and forth.  btw, you're holding the remote backwards...maybe that's why it was a difficult car to get moving...

christmas morning.  yes, we opened all of those presents up there ^ on christmas eve...how cool are your parents?!!  actually, we started opening presents as soon as we walked in the door it seemed.  you guys raked in the loot!!!

zoey, you didn't really get the hang of opening presents...you just liked all the boxes that made noise when you shook them.  you'd put them down, someone would open them, and TA-DA a new toy for you...YAY!!!

aww...our little family before church...

i AM the cutest!!!

the ONLY picture of you two together...in your christmas fancies...


take a drink, kiki!!!

kiki gave you piggies...CUTEST.EVER.

rockin' in granna's rocker...

SO.MUCH.FUN.  love it when you can be with family since we're on our own most of the time...you are LOVED by so many people!!!  lucky ducks.

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