Wednesday, November 02, 2011

part 10...the part where mommy gets sick of vacation and we go home...

our last stop...

yellowstone was absolutely amazing!!!  BEA-U-TI-FUL!!!  we'll have to go back when you can truly appreciate it...this trip, you two just tried to be good sports...LOTS of riding in the car and looking out the window...

not too sure about the the face!!!

this one, too...

our little family...awww!!!
this guy was just trotting down the free as you please...not at all fussed at the cars passing him by... seat???  we were stopped, i promise.

A BALD EAGLE...mommy just happened to spot him as we were driving by...

the bubbly mud place...

old faithful...we accidentally got there right before they predicted it would "go off"...YAY!!!  we waited and waited and sick of waiting and started to walk away...and it "went off" was cool.

 saw lots of these...

but these guys were your favorites, called them "buck-a-lows" was so cute!!!

we looked and looked for bears...never saw any...bummer.

  this was mommy's favorite spot...perfect.

this wasn't supposed to be our last stop but at this point, mommy was sick of out of suitcases, packing and re-packing suitcases, setting up two pack and plays, finding missing toys/articles of clothing, cleaning up blow-out diaper mess...we'd seen it all and it was time to GO HOME!!!

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