Sunday, October 31, 2010

"C" is for cookie...

"jackson, wanna be a cookie?"

"um, no thanks."

and finally...sweet cooperation...

"if i wear this, i get candy?!!"

four lousy houses...that's all we could find...good thing he quickly forgot the candy, enjoyed the wagon ride, and was completely happy with a leaf from the ground...

i bought FIVE bags of candy...FIVE BAGS!!! and we've had a total of ONE knock on the door...matt's taking the rest to year, forget it--we're putting jackson in the car and hitting a fancy neighborhood like everyone else seems to do...

1 comment:

Four Men and a Lady said...

Cuteness!! Andrew and Joseph made it 45 minutes before they wanted to go home and pass out candy with Daddy and the neighbors. :) We had leftover candy too... and when you combine that with the loot the boys brought in... needless to say, Jason's single classmates are happy. :)