Wednesday, September 19, 2012


jackson, you are officially a "bi-see-cle" rider.  for real.  you have begged and begged for a even gave up your sassy to get were SERIOUS about getting a bicycle.  and in the store, you would not be swayed...the thomas the train bicycle was the only one for you.  mommy and daddy thought you should get something bigger with training instinct that will later prove to be right on...but we could not refuse were determined.  you got on the thomas bike and rode your little self to the front of the store.  decison made.  done.
you have quite a bit of endurace riding this little are able to ride around the apartment complex several times before tiring...

tongue helps you turn corners and go faster...

sister was mostly happy just running after you, but it won't be long before she's wanting a bike of her own...because she wants to do all that big brother does...

there you are, mister...on your first bike...

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