Tuesday, February 08, 2011

week one...

no tv...have to admit...i am still a bit itchy to turn it on...but...
  • my house is REALLY clean...i mean, REALLY CLEAN. i'm not saying that i would eat off of the floors or anything...because it's snowy here and sloshy, messy feet are constantly tracking in the salty/slushy goodness from outside...but you can certainly eat off of the counters.
  • my house is organized...OR.GAN.IZED...the closets and drawers and cupboards...really, come and see...it's ridiculous...even for me.
  • jackson is no longer asking for the tv to be turned on in the morning...instead he asks for music...and i happily oblige. we host regular dance parties...you're all invited!
  • i've read four 300+ page books while the little ones are napping. shame on me for ever saying that i just don't have time to read anymore....hello, dummy, turn off the tv!!! i did...and it's the best thing i've done for myself.
  • i've indulged a crafting itch...while perusing blogs, i was inspired to try my hand at something i saw on http://megduerksen.typepad.com ...she had a crafting weekend with girlfriends she met through her blog...how fun is that?!! anyway, scroll through her posts...to pictures of that weekend...and look at the hoops...FUN!

i decided to do mine a bit differently...frames instead of hoops.

confesssion: i actually had a panic attack in the process...i gathered everything together...had it all sitting out in front of me...and had a panic attack that i would start being crafty...and i'd do it wrong...and it would be ugly...and i would hate it and throw it in the trash...and that would be a HUGE waste of money. silly, silly me. something that was supposed to be fun and creative...almost ruined by over-thinking it...silly.

so, i got over it and just started...and here's the result...

what i used:
fun, bright material
embroidery floss
the fabric that you use for cross-stitching
fabric glue
white frames i found at target for $3.99
all stuff you might have around the house...go find it...don't have a panic attack...get busy and have fun!
next crafty-craft: tissue paper pom-pom flowers...wanna make some to hang over zoey's crib.
no tv??? okay...TRUTH...we still watch some...about 1/8th of what we used to watch...it's off all day...we record what we want and are able to watch the shows we love in about half the time by fast-forwarding through the commercials...yay, DVRs!!!
so, correction to the beginning of this post..."some tv"...baby steps...


Janelle said...

Way to go Ames!!! I'm jealous of your spontaneous WICKED good craft. And, since you have so much time now, please come to my house. It needs to be OR.GAN.IZED.

Unknown said...

would be happy to!!!

Kristen said...

I'm feeling way inferior right now. but I'm very impressed w/ you!

Mary L said...

Good job, Amy! You have official become our reunion crafter! Congrats! :)