Tuesday, May 31, 2011


yep, he's trying to get into that nasty, algae-filled/tinted pond...

mommy stopped to feed zoey...and when she caught up with daddy and jackson...THIS is what she found: her son shirtless and soaking wet. nice, daddy.

good thing mommy had an extra shirt...the shorts? they were stripped off and jackson had to run around the zoo like a white-trash baby in a diaper...for a while...until they dried...


LOVED this part just as much as the water part...

the animals??? the reason you go to a zoo??? don't really remember seeing any...oh wait, the ducks while we were eating lunch...jackson thought they looked a bit hungry and so he fed them his hot dog.


1 comment:

DaisyJo said...

The kiddos are adorable, and you look SO GOOD!