Thursday, October 22, 2009


remember the good old days, lucy??? when you were the center of all our attention??? you're a good "sharer" of mommy and daddy...and we promise that one day, you will like jackson as much as we do...he'll throw your ball and share his food...then HE'LL be your favorite human!

have been worried about lucy licking far she hasn't. but this morning, jackson got a lick of her...wish i had a picture of THAT! it was like he noticed her for the first time and when she came in close for a good sniff of "the thing that makes the noises that make me nervous" he gave her an open-mouthed kiss...GROSS-OLA!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

a monkey and his banana

decided to try on our costumes...good thing...chunky monkey might not fit in his two weeks from now...
we've got a sleeper...
jackson has slept through the night...SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT...for the past 2 nights!!! i feel like a new person!!!

pumpkin patch

on our way to the pumpkin patch...

so windy and COLD!!!

not too many pictures to share...made a bad decision to make the trip BEFORE nap time...should have waited until AFTER...would have been much more pleasant for all...took a few quick shots and hurried home to get crank pants in his crib...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

say hello to my little friends...

once again, i've loaded the pictures backwards. this picture is how it all ended...
lucy: seriously??? it's crying again???
little j will lay happily on the bed...for about 10 minutes...then he's over it.

we have a roller...
he's been sleeping on his tummy...yes, i know, he'll die of SIDS...but he's happy and he sleeps and i NEED him to sleep...ANYWAY, on sunday found him ROLLED OVER ONTO HIS BACK...THREE TIMES!!! thought that matt might have been sneaking into his room and turning him over just to freak me i stayed in his room to observe how in the world he's getting onto his back from his stomach...he's rolling, of course...dummy! just couldn't believe that a six week old could roll over...and wouldn't have believed it if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes. he pushed himself up with his arms, turned his head to look at the mobile above his crib, and flopped over onto his back...and then promptly began to cry...scared himself, i guess. the books say that rolling from tummy to back doesn't happen until the end of three months/beginning of four of course this means we have a genius baby on our hands! lucky us!!!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

if you're interested...our baby story...

so...yeah...he was born on michael jackson's birthday...or rather michael jackson's former birthday. couldn't be helped...i tried and prayed and tried to get him out sooner...he was not interested in an earlier departure time and stubbornly wedged his head in crooked...

jackson's birth was not what i planned...rather, it didn't happen the way that i planned for it to happen...and yes, regardless, it happened...but still...THEY tell you to make a birth plan...write it that when you're at the pain and don't have to think about've already thought about it and this is what you want. see??? you've written it all down and everything. what THEY don't tell you is that your birth plan actually means jack-crap...the BABY didn't read your birth what good is it???

here was the plan: breaking of epidural--not because i had something to prove--i just don't like needles...IN MY SPINAL CORD!!! quiet, calm...listen to your body...the birth process is instinctual.


here's what happened:
due date came and went. i was put on the schedule for induction...IF it was necessary...a week and one day from my due date. (by the way, due dates mean jack-crap, too!) a week overdue...i'm in the doctor's office...tuesday, wednesday, thursday...BEGGING him/her to do SOMETHING to make this kid come out. i'd been having contractions every night...not during the day, but at night so that i couldn't sleep...contractions that were doing absolutely NOTHING...i was dialated "less than one". what?!! seriously??? you better shut up and tell me a number bigger than one...RIGHT NOW!!!

thursday morning...i was SERIOUS...told matt, "we're going to the doctor's office and we are NOT coming home. i don't care if tomorrow is my scheduled day for induction. they will not dare send me home." they sent me home...with help me was something.

friday morning...induction morning...called the hospital to let them know we were on our way. (had been told the day before that i must call case they were too busy for my induction. what?!! are you really going to tell an overdue pregnant woman that you don't have the space or time to get her baby out?!! you must be crazy!!!) THANK YOU JESUS they had many beds available.

thing #1 that i didn't plan/want--i was being induced.

thing #2 that i didn't plan/want--they wanted to break my water and start pitocin and i barely had a hospital gown on my body. and at this point i said, "hold it right there...could we try one thing at a time??? break my water...then...if that doesn't work...start pitocin???" they agreed. i was really just trying to avoid an IV if possible...that's another thing i didn't plan/want. an hour after breaking my water...nothing had happened...IV...pitocin...having contractions...but they were still those "do NOTHING" contractions that i'd been having for days.

and by "do NOTHING" contractions i don't mean that they didn't hurt...they were painful without results. "back labor"...that's what it was...all in my lower back...maybe that's why they were doing NOTHING...babies don't come out of your BACK.

broken water, an IV, pitocin...around noon, i was finally having "real" contractions...but the back labor kicked on and stayed on so that when a "real" contraction subsided...the back labor was still VERY much felt...and i was breathing from one contraction to the break in between. i WAS dialating...which was good...i was maybe 3-4 at this point...good, two numbers that are bigger than one...or "less than one".

it was suggested at this point that i consider an epidural. they were going to have to kick up the pitocin SEVERAL notches...and the back was really a no-brainer. the mid-wife pointed out that labor wasn't "going to get any better"...i was tense, i was tired, and i was done with the pain--enough already! get an epidural...relieve the back labor...REST...

thing #3 that i didn't plan/want but thank GOD for--an EPIDURAL!!!!!!!!!!!! scariest thing in the world...i was so afraid that i was going to flinch and become a paraplegic...but it wasn't so bad...the numbing shot was the only thing that hurt. and then...AHHHHHH...everything went dead...from the middle of my back down...wanted to kiss that epidural lady!!!

hours pass...i'm checked occasionally...i get to six centimeters...and labor stalls. i'm just about maxed out on pitocin...and the word "c-section" is casually thrown out there. what?!! happening. do you see these hips??? these are birthing hips...i was MADE to birth a baby. c-section??? not necessary...would not become thing #4.

remember when i mentioned that his head was wedged in crooked??? he wasn't facing up or down...he was turned to the side...therefore his head wasn't pushing down like was supposed to...therefore i wasn't dialating. if they could get his head to turn, there was a chance that i would dialate the rest of the way...IF they could get his head to turn...

just before the bad "c-section" word was thrown out there...nurses changed shifts...and in walks my night nurse...kris...the most wonderful nurse i've ever met...tops every nurse who's ever given me an IV that hasn't hurt "that bad". loved my day nurse...but kris...she saved me from having a c-section. she had me all but standing on my head...trying to get this baby to straighten up and fly right...or OUT of my body!!!

i get to 7 centimeters...labor stalls...AGAIN. the doctor...i'm sure she's a nice lady,but at the time she was the "evil one who wants to do a c-section" me 45 minutes. if i haven't progressed at least a centimeter, then we have to talk about a c-section. can talk...but you're not convincing me. and she says to me, "believe me. i don't WANT to do a c-section. the room is really cold. i'd rather deliver your baby right here. but we may not have a choice." see that part in bold letters AND italics??? i didn't know which way to be offended...yeah, a cold room...THAT'S why i don't want to have a c-section...OR...a cold room...THAT'S why you shouldn't want to do a c-section. REALLY?!!

so, i began to BEG God...3 more centimeters and a head turn--that's all i need. i was maxed out on pitocin...i was practically standing on my head to get his head to turn...and i HAD to dialate 3 more centimeters...or face a cold room. NOOOOOOOOOOOO...not a cold room!!! (are you hearing the sarcasm???)

God has had many lessons for me on this infertility journey...lessons in patience, lessons in perseverance, lessons in His compassionate and ENDLESS love...but the one He was going to illustrate AGAIN for me...I WILL COME THROUGH FOR way or another...I WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU...because i LOVE you!

and so He did...He gave me those 3 centimeters AND turned his stubborn little head in LESS than 45 minutes...and i was READY to push. one minute i'm distraught...crying and begging. the next i'm practically holding my own legs up so that i can start pushing. it was about 11:45 pm and i still had a chance to have this baby NOT on michael jackson's birthday.

turns out, pushing is not as easy or as quick as that. but at 1:11 am...MY baby finally came out...weirdest and happiest moment of my life. weird because you look at the baby and think, "that came out of where?!! did i really just do that?!!" and happy because...DUH...i just had a baby...MY baby...the one i had been waiting for...and he was perfect...SHOCKED because he was SOOOOO cute...even all gooey and gross...SOOOOO cute...screaming...SCREAMING, but cute...and mine...seriously with the screaming?!! i remember looking at jackson lay in my arms SCREAMING...trying to measure his reaction to the SCREAMING...because it was freaking me out. (he eventually stopped...the NEXT day...and we were able to have our bonding moments.) it was like he came out MAD..."i wedged my head in crooked for a reason...NOT ready to come out yet. but you had to have me had to force me into this bright, loud, CRUEL this is what you get...WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

haven't mentioned matt much in this story...which is completely unfair...he WAS there...and sooooo amazing! he supported and encouraged my decision to get an epidural and didn't make me feel like i was "wimping out" by getting one. he kept track of my contractions...which was only annoying when i could FEEL them and didn't need him to tell me when i was having a "big" one. he held my leg as i was pushing and didn't boss me around and tell me how to, very smart. AND he let me have the remote control to the TV the WHOLE time we were in the hospital. seriously, he was great!!! he has pictures of the placenta...if you're interested...

so...we're planning jackson's first birthday party...already...because it will be here before we're ready for it. and we're thinking that a "michael jackson" theme might be appropriate--jackson will wear a jerry-curl wig and a red jacket like michael's famous red jacket, we'll have a cake in the shape of a glove covered in sparkling glitter, a moon bounce in place of a moon walk, pictures with a chimpanzee, 15 minutes in one of those air pressure chamber beds, we'll all dress like the zombies from the "thriller" music video, maybe we'll even learn the "thriller"'ll be a hoot and you're all invited!

hoods and hats

he's outgrown his hair. i don't think it has fallen out...his head is just too big now to be fully covered by the beautiful head of hair he was born with. hopefully more will grow in soon...

when i bought this outfit, i was in fits of "ohmygoodnessthisissocute!!!!" now...seeing it on looks like he's ready for the prison system...inmate #08292009.

just missed the smile...

yes, it was cold enough in SC for a hat to be necessary...only 59 degrees when we left the house this morning...BRRR!!!