...when you have a second baby...you forget (?!!?!?) to post about the second baby because the first baby drains your brain of the mental capacity to do something as simple as post a few ultrasound pictures on the blog??? and you're so busy trying to post pictures of the baby you already have you completely ignore the one you don't have yet??? NEVER would have happened with baby #1...bad mommy.
this is LILLIE KATE or LILLIE GRACE at six weeks...okay, the name isn't official, but i don't want to refer to her as a pronoun until three weeks before her birth like we did with jackson...if you ask matt about "lillie", he'll have no idea who you're talking about.
here she is at 19 weeks...it IS a girl!!! didn't even ask God for a girl...didn't dare...but He knew. all the way to the ultrasound i was praying that i wouldn't be disappointed if it was a boy...whatever it was--healthy and whole--that's all i wanted...

after the ultrasound, they bumped my due date up by a week...december 5th. whatever. i'll be 23 weeks on wednesday...feeling good, but tired.
trying to figure out sleeping arrangements...matt thinks a laundry basket will do. yeah. a laundry basket. i've been looking on craigslist...found some cribs that match the one we already have...some even come with mattresses...but matt thinks that's gross...to buy a used bed and mattress from people we don't know...i think it's thrifty...something i thought he would appreciate.
the closet is slowly filling with PINK and PURPLE...found a crocheted hat on etsy today that she HAS to HAVE!!! HAS to HAVE!!! i'll post a picture...