Sunday, January 24, 2010


jump-jump-jumperoo!!! who knew you'd be this big when assembled?!!
you are HUGE!!!
BUT you made him happy...well, eventually you made him happy...
SCREAMED his head off the first time we put him in it...thought to ourselves, "that was money well spent." (i thought it to myself...matt thought it out loud.) determined that he WOULD like it...tried again the next day...spent a highly enjoyable 30 minutes jumping and squealing...WHEW...maybe not a complete waste after all...

can you believe he fell asleep in this thing?!! must be the fact that he hates naps and refuses to take them for WEEKS at a 7:30 he is D.O.N.E.

thanks, great matchettes!!!

thought it would be a while before the outfit you gave him for christmas would fit...once again, jackson proves to be big enough for his britches!

i love that joseph called you "great matchette", so i think jackson will, too.

how handsome am i?!!

off to church...


i hardly have a picture of jackson without a self-inflicted facial wound.
i cut his nails ALL the time!!!

love those rosy-red cheeks--EAT THEM UP!!!

slowest internet connections EVER...

...makes posting such a CHORE!!!
here are a few...happy jackson...after a GOOD morning nap...

tired jackson...after terrible naps for a week and a half...

dazed and confused...

...but still super cute!!!

Friday, January 08, 2010

four months

14 lbs. 13 oz.
24 3/4 "
big boy and perfectly healthy!!!
started solid veggies the other day...LOVES carrots...YUM!!!
green beans tomorrow...

has just about out-grown his prison uniform...