Wednesday, July 22, 2009

just say no?!!

in response to comments left on previous blog entry:
okay, formerly pregnant ladies...lots of excuses. i guess i should at least thank you for telling me that i can refuse to be checked...i can do that?!! i can tell her that she's not allowed to check me?!! i'm gonna try that next week. i'll let you know...i'm not very good at being a difficult patient...speaking up for myself...guess i better learn. note to self: say no to cervical dialation checks before labor actually begins, say no to stripping of membranes (that SOUNDS painful!!!), say no to breaking of water. thanks girls!!! now, your assignment is to tell me what i should pack for the hospital...what are the hospital "musts"??? and for those of you who birth at home...pretend like you HAVE to go to the hospital...what would you want to have with you???

finished jackson's room today. (sidenote: not sure that is his official name...just like calling him something other than "what's his name") here are a few pictures...okay, a lot of pictures:

Monday, July 20, 2009

for mom...

34 weeks...

36 weeks...

ever felt like one of those bugs that gets stuck on its back and cannot get itself turned back over??? i feel like that most of the time now...a bug on its back that cannot breathe.

had a doctor's appointment today...and i must say that i'm SOOOO mad at every pregnant person i've ever known who did not WARN ME that when a doctor says she wants to check your cervix that it's going to feel THAT BAD!!! SOOOOO mad at all of you!!!

31 days!!!!!!

will post pictures of baby's room soon...not quite done yet...