Wednesday, December 30, 2009

business casual...pants optional

thanks, aunt jackie!!!

love to you...

i'm gettin' nuttin' for christmas...from mommy and daddy...

wrestling with bear from grandpa...

BOILER UP!!! can't wait til this jersey fits!!!

christmas jammies...

grandpa and grandma matchette made this blanket for jackson...LOVE it!!!

nuttin' for christmas wasn't my idea, buddy...blame daddy for your empty stocking. :-)


road trip to indiana...

distractions: toys, books, the camera, and mommy's cell phone...all of which worked for about 45 seconds...we do NOT like road trips.

lucy very sweetly laid her head on the edge of his carseat...with a look on her face as if to say, "aren't we there yet?!!"

december 22, 2008

mommy was at disney world scrambling your brains on space mountain...little did she know that you were on your way...and when she bought these ears she had NO idea that your little head would fill them.

FUNNY faces...

these pictures make me LAUGH!!!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

more rejects...

better not cry...

better not pout...

christmas card...the rejects

even the rejects are TOO cute...had to share....

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

first cereal...

very first bite...

kinda liking it...

and then...kinda spitting it out...

matt and i are now regretting every "raspberry" we encouraged while parents were feeding their children...not so funny when it's your face sprayed with gummy, pastey rice cereal...


we spent thanksgiving with matt's aunt, uncle, and cousins in detroit, mi. a week of laughing, playing cards, and spoiling a baby...always a good time with the williams family!!!
this is what lucy did for 7 days...

jackson with cousin katie...moments before, jackson was wearing a onesie that said "thankful for mommy"...he peed all over it and that was much for his thanksgiving outfit...the bib, however, survived...CUTE!!!
this is what the kitty did for 7 days...she LOVED jackson AND his toys!!!

thanks for the jammies, aunt katie!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

you are my sunshine...

happy, happy baby!!!

this is an outfit that i thought would be WAY too big...put it on and it fits...little stinker is getting WAY too big WAY too fast!!!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


this is the best i've been able to get...jackson says "hi" and it is sooooo cute!!! it seems like every time i turn on the video camera he stops talking and just stares at the funny thing in front of mommy's face. this time daddy was distracting him from mommy and the funny thing in front of her's not the cutest version of "hi", but it will have to do until ya'll can hear it in person. try to ignore t.i. and justin timberlake in the background... :-)

trick or treat, smell our feet...